We quietly celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in the UK with a night out at our local restaurant/pub.
1 Sept 2006
We loaded the car up in the morning and when I say loaded I mean just that! Our large deep freeze/ refrigerator slid into the back of the car (it just fitted) and with the door slightly ajar it was fully packed up with all the wall paper that we had bought to finish off the remaining rooms, in particular the lounge, the rest of the passage and second toilet. Around this was packed as many boxes as possible and the chairs (nomadic again) for the lounge. I left early as I was unsure how long it would take me with all the extra weight in the car and I had planned to stop at friend’s house for lunch near Dover. She is an ex Rhodesian so we had lots of news to catch up with! Having left for the final bit into Dover I arrived at the port only to be told that there had been a problem with the ferry and it was running two hours late. I managed to get hold of Nigel on my mobile phone and he in turn successfully got hold of our friends who live in the north of France and who I was staying with overnight. They had dinner waiting for me on my arrival and I soon fell into bed to make an early start the next day
2 September 2006
When we had downsized our house in the UK so that we had the money to buy in France, we had taken a van load of packed boxes over to our friends in France where they had been stored in a stable. Believe it or not I still managed to find room to pack a few more of these boxes into the car before I set off in the morning. It was a pretty uneventful trip but it was fairly slow as with the car so loaded up I had to take things easy. On arrival at the house I unpacked what I could lift and left the rest until I could find some help.
I discovered a few jobs that the builder had still not done so I phoned him and he said he would be there later in the day. They duly arrived and between them they carried the fridge/freezer into the kitchen for me. By then I had taken a walk around the garden and found that David had successfully managed to keep the grass under control for me, what a relief.
4 September – 15 September 2006
This was spent papering and painting with the odd break to do some shopping and fitting in a meal here and there. I managed to finish the lounge, passage and bathroom and was fairly satisfied with my fortnights work. The lounge previously had pink walls and a black and white floor. It was now a light cream with soft grey tiles on the floor.

This was the end of our trips to the Charente for the year as we had previously arranged a holiday to visit friends and family in Sydney, Australia during October. When we had made these plans we did not know we would have a house in France to renovate!! David was left in charge of everything in France and the plan was he would run the heating over winter on a frost setting so the house did not get cold and damp and neither hopefully would the water pipes freeze.
It is interesting how you made your home in France.
ReplyDeletediane, glad that you are going back through some of the old posts, you will get to know me almost better than I know myself soon :-) Diane
DeleteI love reading people's life stories and you have so many parallels to my life, although not the same adventures but adventures all the same. I am traveling at the moment and I an determined to learn how to use this jolly iPad which drives me nuts at times.
ReplyDeletediane I would love an iPad but with all the money we have just spent there is no chance of that happening! My laptop though has given continuous trouble since we bought it just under 2 years ago. We have said about buying me a new table top computer but we also decided it was a bit pointless until Windows 8 is in the shops, it is being launched 26 October so I may get a computer before Christmas! You seem to be doing pretty well with the iPad at the moment :-)) Diane